Equity and UDL

  1. What does the research say about this?
  2. How can this be effectively integrated into your teaching?
  3. How will this help your students?
  4. What are your goals with regard to this topic?
  5. How does this shape your vision for empowered learning for your students?

Learning about UDL and equity along with what is called the Digital Divide has been very interesting and eye opening.  It is no secret that everyone learns differently using UDL to help students access their niche and find what they are good at seems like a no brainer. As I researched and read about this along with how to bridge the digital divide I was amazed at how they worked together.  I chose to watch a TED Talk by Navarrow Wright titled The New Digital Divide: The Perception Problem to learn a bit more about the issues He talks about how this digital divide affects all of us and how anything can change when we change a child's perception of his learning.  He talks about how he tries to create light-bulb moments to get students to realize that they can create and use technology, and that there is more to life than what they see.  As I was thinking about these light-bulb moments I realized that in order to get all of our students to have these moments where they realize their potential they need to be taught in diverse ways.  They need to be given many opportunities to excel in what they are good at. 

Obviously this type of learning will take more time and energy than simply lecturing students but it will definitely be extremely rewarding.  As a result of my research I plan to make different and engaging lesson plans where students will learn a skill through different modes.  More than that though I think it is important to give students multiple options for assessment.  This will allow them to focus on their strengths and give them more opportunities to have that light-bulb moment Wright talks about.  

Some of my goals as an educator as a result of my learning are to adequately prepare myself to teach this UDL style of teaching.  I also will keep my students best interests in mind and constantly brainstorm ways to help them achieve their potential, and help them change their perception of what life has to offer them.  Essentially I want to give them the tools to empower themselves and proper use of UDL will definitely help me achieve those goals.  

Attached is the link to Wright's TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDr0Q6gqbSM


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